
Hello, I am Igor Morais, a full stack engineer from São Paulo, Brazil, with over 14 years of experience.

I started my professional journey as a mobile engineer, where I had the opportunity to contribute to some challenging projects for notable companies such as Apple and Samsung. However, driven by my curiosity about software development, I decided to explore web development. Following six years of experience as a mobile engineer, I made the transition to become a full stack engineer.

I have been all about Ruby, Elixir, JavaScript, and TypeScript for the past few years, which have become my primary programming languages, and I have accumulated significant experience with different technologies such as React, React Native, Next Js, Nest Js, Phoenix, and Ruby on Rails. Moreover, I have experience with SQL databases such as SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, Azure Cosmos DB, and Amazon DynamoDB. In the domain of cloud computing, I have experience with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, along with tools such as Docker, Pulumi, and Terraform.

Currently, I am dedicated to the study of data science and cloud computing :)


years experience14
projects worked44
courses taken62


java script
type script
next js
nest js
node js
ruby on rails
microsoft azure
amazon web services
react native


Fev 2025 - Current


Head Engineer


May 2024 - Jan 2025


Sr Back End Engineer


Oct 2023 - Mar 2024


Sr Observability Engineer


Oct 2023 - Mar 2024


Sr Software Engineer

X-Team is a global company that provides on demand, high quality software development teams to help tech companies scale their projects. They connect remote software engineers from around the world with companies looking for additional technical talent, ensuring a strong collaborative remote work environment.

Jan 2023 - Sep 2023


Sr Back End Engineer

As a Sr Back End Engineer, I design, develop, and maintain services. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the services, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I continuously monitor systems to effectively track and evaluate the health, availability, and performance of the services.


I have implemented a monitoring system that monitors all software components of the services, including queues, gateways, databases, and a serverless application. Additionally, I have created alerts, monitors, and dashboards to effectively track and evaluate the health, availability, and performance of the services.

In strict time constraints, I have managed to design and develop an internal tool that provides valuable insights to the team. This tool consists of two core components a front end application and a back end serverless application.

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May 2022 - Jan 2023


Sr Back End Engineer

As a Sr Back End Engineer, I design, develop, and maintain services. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the services, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I continuously monitor systems to effectively track and evaluate the health, availability, and performance of the services.


In order to support the implementation of a new major feature. I have developed a couple of small independent services, each responsible for a specific domain, that communicates with each other through gRPC. There is a specific service that serves as a gateway that delivers content through GraphQL. This service also performs functions such as route management, protocol translation, authentication and authorization management, request transformation, response aggregation and composition, rate limit, and cache management. It also provides analytics and monitoring support to monitor the usage of the service.

amazon dynamo dbapollo graphqlargo cdclean architecturecode reviewdatadogdockergitgit flowgithubgithub actionsgraphqlgrpcjestkanbankuberneteslocal stacknode jsrestscrumtype scriptunit test
May 2021 - May 2022

Quantum Leap

Tech Lead

As a Tech Lead, I provide technical guidance and expertise to the development team, assisting in critical tasks such as making technical decisions, designing project architecture, and selecting the most appropriate technologies.

Also, I design, develop, and maintain services and applications. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the services and applications, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I publish applications on both the App Store and Google Play and continuously monitor systems to effectively track and evaluate the health, availability, and performance of the services and applications.


As part of a research project, I designed and developed an application that transmits data through high frequency audio beyond the range of human hearing. Any device with a speaker or microphone can receive and transmit data through the applications.

I have developed a service that provides support for an IoT devices. The communication is achieved through a queue, dealing with a massive volume of requests every day. In addition, the service provides a REST API that is consumed by a mobile application.

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Mar 2020 - May 2021

Non Disclosure

Sr Mobile Engineer

As a Sr Mobile Engineer, I design, develop, and support mobile applications. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the applications, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.


I contributed to the development of an application with advanced features, specifically the handling of gestures such as tap, pan, pinch, and rotate, and applying them instantly to objects on the canvas while also ensuring a responsive layout to support different screen sizes for iOS devices. This project is essential to the company core activities.

code reviewcore datagitgit flowgithubgithub actionsiosipad osmvvmnimblequickscrumswiftswift uiunit testviper
Mar 2018 - Mar 2020


Tech Lead

As a Tech Lead, I provide technical guidance and expertise to the development team, assisting in critical tasks such as making technical decisions, designing project architecture, and selecting the most appropriate technologies.

Also, I design, develop, and maintain services. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the services, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I continuously monitor systems to effectively track and evaluate the health, availability, and performance of the services.


I have designed and developed a web application that allows customers to sign up for Tv plans and packages. Additionally, customers can manage their accounts, allowing them to change their plans and packages and update their account information and payment method. This application generates $4 million in sales monthly within the first few months since its launch.

I contributed to the development of a payment service that enables effortless integration for partners and provides support for multiple payment options such as Pix, debit card, and credit card. Additionally, there is a widget component available as part of this solution, which is designed to be compatible with any modern front end framework, such as Vue, React, and Svelte. The leading telecom companies in Brazil utilize this service for processes their payment.

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May 2018 - Aug 2019


Tech Lead

As a Tech Lead, I provide technical guidance and expertise to the development team, assisting in critical tasks such as making technical decisions, designing project architecture, and selecting the most appropriate technologies.

Also, I design, develop, and maintain services and applications. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the services and applications, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I publish applications on both the App Store and Google Play and continuously monitor systems to effectively track and evaluate the health, availability, and performance of the services and applications.


Within strict time constraints, I have designed and developed a back office application to support a transportation platform. This application comprises three main components, a front end application and two back end applications, specifically a GraphQL service and a WebSocket service.

I created a real time location service where a mobile device sends its location to the service through a web socket which then broadcasts to all subscribed to the channel. This service was an essential component of a drive sharing platform, ensuring continuous monitoring of the device location.

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Jul 2016 - Mar 2018


Sr Full Stack Engineer

As a Sr Full Stack Engineer, I design, develop, and maintain services and applications. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the services and applications, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I publish applications on both the App Store and Google Play and continuously monitor systems to effectively track and evaluate the health, availability, and performance of the services and applications.


I have refactored a large codebase for an Android application by transitioning the code from Java to Kotlin and implementing several architectural improvements, such as caching, resource optimization, background processing, asynchronous operations, and modular architecture.

I have actively contributed to the development of a game application that has achieved significant success, with over 2 million downloads on both iOS and Android platforms. This application has been created in collaboration with Cambridge University to engage students in an entertaining approach to learning English.

androidapollo graphqlcode reviewcore datacssdockerdocker composedocker hubfastlanefluxgitgit flowgitlabgitlab ci cdgraphqlhtmliosjavajava scriptjestjunitkanbankotlinmobxmvcmvpmvvmnode jsobjective cpostgre sqlreactreact nativerealmreduxrestscrumsqlswiftunit testxc test
May 2016 - Mar 2018


Project Reviewer

As a Project Reviewer, I review student project submissions, striving to give actionable and helpful feedback. The areas in which I provide project reviews include iOS and Android development.

androidiosjavakotlinobjective cswift
Feb 2016 - Jul 2016


Sr Mobile Engineer

As a Sr Mobile Engineer, I design, develop, and support mobile applications. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the applications, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I publish applications on both the App Store and Google Play.


I have designed and developed an application to identify outbreaks and epidemics based on crowdsourcing. Users can report how they are feeling daily, contributing to participatory surveillance. This project was awarded for best mobile government service in the health category during the World Government Summit 2017 in Dubai.

androidcore datafastlanegitgit flowgithubiosjavajunitmvcmvpobjective cscrumsqliteswiftunit testxc test
Aug 2015 - Feb 2016


Sr Mobile Engineer

As a Sr Mobile Engineer, I design, develop, and support mobile applications. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the applications, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I publish applications on both the App Store and Google Play.


I have completed a project with a strict deadline where I rewrote from scratch an application that allows users to rent bikes across multiple cities. The requirement was to develop two native applications for the iOS and Android platforms using Java and Swift, respectively.

androidbitbucketgitiosjavajunitkanbanmvcmvpobjective cswiftunit testxc test
Apr 2015 - Aug 2015


Mobile Engineer

As a Mobile Engineer, I design, develop, and support mobile applications. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the applications, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.

In addition, I publish applications on both the App Store and Google Play.


I have designed and developed an application to identify outbreaks and epidemics based on crowdsourcing. Users can report how they are feeling daily, contributing to participatory surveillance. This project was awarded for best mobile government service in the health category during the World Government Summit 2017 in Dubai.

androidcore datafastlanegitgit flowgithubiosjavajunitmvcmvpobjective cscrumsqliteswiftunit testxc test
Apr 2012 - Apr 2015


Jr Mobile Engineer

As a Jr Mobile Engineer, I design, develop, and support mobile applications. This involves writing code that is clean, easy to maintain, and of high quality. Additionally, I actively contribute to enhancing the testing process by developing test automation, reducing the time to the identification and resolution of issues.

Also, I identify and address any software bugs or issues that may occur in the applications, ensuring it runs smoothly and meets the required expectations.


I had the opportunity to develop the first NFC application from Google Play that enables automated tasks through NFC tags. The application has been released together with Samsung Galaxy S3.

I made significant contributions to the design and development of an Android library. The library consists of a set of 3D components, including components like a list and gallery. This library was utilized in a couple of applications developed by Samsung.

I have solved some challenging problems, including developing an edge detection algorithm, developing a hough transform algorithm, designing and implementing an efficient path search algorithm, and determining precise indoor locations using WiFi signals.

I actively contributed to the development of the official application for the Olympic Games Rio 2016 for the iOS platform.

androidcode reviewgitgit flowgitlabiosjavajenkinsjunitmvcobjective copen cvscrumsqlitesvnunit testxc test
Aug 2011 - Apr 2012


Jr Support Analyst

As a Jr Support Analyst, I work closely with users to resolve technical issues and provide solutions to problems. This involves analyzing and troubleshooting issues in the software systems, identifying root causes, and reporting to the responsible teams.

My objective is to provide timely and effective support to ensure that the software systems meet the needs of users. This involves maintaining a high level of responsiveness and communication to keep users informed of the progress of their support tickets and providing updates on the resolution of their issues.

In summary, I play a critical role in ensuring that the software systems are running smoothly and that users have the support they need to perform their job functions effectively.

oracle databasesql


Mar 2024 - Oct 2025

Faculdade De Governança, Engenharia E Educação

Astronomy, Specialization Degree

Mar 2024 - Oct 2025

Faculdade De Governança, Engenharia E Educação

Fundamentals, Principles And Applications In Data Science, Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence, Specialization Degree

Mar 2023 - Mar 2025

Harvard University

Data Science, Professional Degree

The program covers a range of fundamental concepts in data science, starting with the basics of programming and progressing to more advanced topics, including probability, visualization, statistical inference, statistical modeling, linear regression, and machine learning.

Each course within the program introduces exciting case studies. These case studies explore diverse subjects, including movie recommendation, crime rates, election forecasting, and trends in world health and economics.

Mar 2014 - Mar 2016

Cesar School

Software Engineering, Master Degree

The program combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, with a particular focus on projects that directly address the needs of the market.

The main focus of my research was on exploring how technology can be a valuable tool in the treatment of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. A significant aspect of my research was the development and implementation of a software application specifically for children with autism spectrum disorder. The application was designed to target critical areas such as cognitive enhancement and communication improvement.

Jan 2009 - Dec 2012

Maurício De Nassau

Computer Science, Bachelor Degree

The program is designed to explore computational techniques, methodologies, and tools. It encompasses diverse technology areas, including algorithms, compilers, programming languages, operating systems, computer graphics, computer networks, computer architecture, databases, web development, mobile development, distributed systems, information systems, and artificial intelligence.

In essence, the program provides a comprehensive learning experience in computer science, providing the necessary knowledge to design and develop solutions across diverse technology areas.


Oct 2023 - Oct 2026

Amazon Solutions Architect Associate


Sep 2023 - Sep 2026

Amazon Cloud Practitioner




São Paulo
São Paulo

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