Hello, I am Igor Morais, a full stack engineer from São Paulo, Brazil, with over 14 years of experience.
I started my professional journey as a mobile engineer, where I had the opportunity to contribute to some challenging projects for notable companies such as Apple and Samsung. However, driven by my curiosity about software development, I decided to explore web development. Following six years of experience as a mobile engineer, I made the transition to become a full stack engineer.
I have been all about Ruby, Elixir, JavaScript, and TypeScript for the past few years, which have become my primary programming languages, and I have accumulated significant experience with different technologies such as React, React Native, Next Js, Nest Js, Phoenix, and Ruby on Rails. Moreover, I have experience with SQL databases such as SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, Azure Cosmos DB, and Amazon DynamoDB. In the domain of cloud computing, I have experience with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, along with tools such as Docker, Pulumi, and Terraform.
Currently, I am dedicated to the study of data science and cloud computing :)